Monday, January 05, 2009

She have no choices

What we can expect from her rather than break the law to get daily food. She have no choices. I'm not justfying her action but we have to face the reality. While Najib said we are not facing the recession the reality at the ground was opposite. Employers started to retrench their employee and their life in trouble. They have no option because they have mouth to feed at home. We need more agressive actions rather than no-sense strategy. Umno have no economy recovery plan and they really manipulating the media to divert the people's attention to other matters especially politcal issues. While people started to feel the heat of economy recession, umno leaders are going after one to another and pouring their black money to buy the votes for the party elections campaign. We must put a pull stop to all this non-sense.
BALIK PULAU: Seorang ibu muda dihukum penjara dua hari dan denda RM300 oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini kerana kesalahan mencuri di sebuah pasar raya di Bayan Baru pada 2 Januari lalu. Fariza Mohd Hooron, 23, mengaku salah mencuri 28 jenis barangan keperluan harian, antaranya sebungkus susu Anlene, satu set minyak wangi, sepaket mi segera dan petai yang kesemuanya bernilai RM275.09 pada jam 1.45 tengah hari, 2 Januari lalu.  Dia dituduh mengikut Seksyen 380 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun. Fariza, ketika memohon hukuman ringan di hadapan Majistret Norhayati Johar, berkata beliau terpaksa berbuat demikian kerana kesempitan wang selepas kilang tempat dia bekerja ditutup dan hanya suaminya yang menyara keluarga. Pendakwaan dilakukan Pegawai Pendakwa Cif Insp Md Saad Hassan. - Bernama

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