Friday, December 07, 2007

Doi-Moi expecting more discrimination and suppression, imposed on indian community especially those who has come with full force and get caught with police on 25 Nov 2007. The main strategy is to create the fear among the members to make sure Indian will back to BN government. But as i said since earlier, we should not back off but at the same time we must not look at violence as our alternative. Be calm and patience. The judgement day will come and on that day, Indians must go with full force again to cast their ballot paper to opposition as a sign of protest. Alagaigal Oovaitheilai so dont back off.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

It's very clear, peace demonstration on 25 Nov 2007, due to the political failure of MIC under Samy Vellu and it's time for him to rest at home.

Kerajaan harus menyiasat apakah punca berlakunya perhimpunan tersebut. Perkara sebegini tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah politik masyarakat India di Malaysia tetapi pada 25 Nov 2007, walaupun pelbagai propaganda untuk menakutkan masyarakat India telah dilaksanakan namun mereka datang berduyun-duyun dari seluruh negara untuk menyertai demonstrasi aman. Tindakan ini amat jelas, ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan polisi Kerajaan walaupun pemimpin sering mendabik dada dengan megah kononnya kita telah merdeka selama 50 tahun.