Saturday, May 24, 2008

Win-Win Decision?

"Win-Win decision" Rais Yatim's said in responding to reporters on ICJ decision but who actually win in this case? Malaysia lost the case yet giving a rhetoric statement. The major claim was on "Pulau Batu Puteh" [Pedra Branca] and other two island was on supplementary claims only. Definitely it was not a win-win decision. Strategically Pedra Branca is very important because it's home to the Hosburgh Lighthouse commanding the entire eastern approach to the Straits of Singapore which almost 900 ships pass daily. What does "Middle Rock" and "South Ledge" have to contribute to Malaysia? So how can Rais Yatim say, it's a win-win decision? Singapore delegate comprises the best team but Malaysia was represented by Gani Patail who are good in-charging people on political decision. ICJ has made their decision and no appeal considered. Learn from mistakes but don't give a rhetoric statement any more and stop manipulating this issue to provoke the Malaysian's and indirectly to gain the support for the rulling party. The reality, you fail to protect the Malaysian interest.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What you say on this?

Syed Hamid Albar said, government didn't revoke but the passposrt expired and Waytha just need to visit the Malaysian Embassy in London to renew it but then his passport says, expired on 17 Oct 2010. How can his passport expired before the date? Syed Hamid Albar must explain on this?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

242 - 114 = 128 (Jan to Mac 2008)

242 kids missing in first three months of this year. Out of this only 114 detected and the balance 128 is still missing. When US report said, Malaysia are doing less to counter the human trafficking, the then Foreign Minister, Syed Hamid Albar has jump his gun saying there is no truth in US report. But he never back his statement with the statistic. Now we have to face the reality, we are not doing enough to counter human trafficking. I'm not saying all this kids is kidnapped but then the possiblity is there even our IGP said it, most probably they become a victim's of a syndicate. We need to do more, only parents with missing kids will understand the situation whereby others will not be able to share their grief.

First Warning with Bullets and Letter

Karpal has put-up a legally sound question but then "The Racist" paper "Utusan Malaysia" has mis-used the paper to propogate the racism to provoke the malay community to take actions on him. Do we need the racist paper?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tun Dr.M quits from UMNO

Former PM and founder of UMNO (BARU), Tun Dr.M quit from the party as a sign of no confidence in present party president and PM's leadership. Just recently he has a close door meeting with Najib.

RM300 million dollar man

Mr.Semi Value said he has request the government to allocate RM300 million to the Indian community. Mmmmm, I don't understand what this white elephant trying to do? Semi Value is not part of government and his party defeated badly due to his failure as an Indian leader. Indian community has rejected MIC not because they hate the name M.I.C. but they do hate Semi Value extremely and voted out MIC and BN due to the inefficiency of his leadership. He has come out with his master plan to re-brand the MIC but then the rebranding will not be a successfull plan because there is no plan to rebrand the leadership. As far as he fail to rebrand the leadeship until then the Indian community will not buy his master plan. Back to my point, I used to say, what is the point for asking money from government? Semi Value is not running any autonomous government to appeal the extra financial aid. He should ask the government to out do all the discrimination policy and give an equall opportunity irrespective of race or religion. Definitely, if goverenment say OK for RM300 million, he is not going to deliver it to the Indian community. Since he is jobless now, he need money to run his out dated party and his personnel life. So end of the day, the money will go to his coffin and Indian get nothing. Government should stop giving him any cents in the name of developing Indian community. If government really mean business then they should help the community by implementing the right policy and project's.