Saturday, October 04, 2008

Semi Value; Don’t Fool The Community

Samy blasted at Hindraf supporters for crashing into the Pa Lah’s open house in PWTC on 1st day of Hari Raya. He said, Hindraf will make the situations much harder for MIC to negotiate the release of Hindraf five. Even he challenged, Waytha Moorthy to come back and explain to Malaysian Indians what has happen to all the money collected.

I think Semi Value is exhibiting memory loss. He don’t
qualified to audit the Hindraf accounts when he have squandered the maica holdings fund which come from the poor Indians. What has happen to the investment arm? Semi Value must answer this question before he try to work as part time auditor.

I present in Raya Open House. No one including Hindraf supporters crashed in to the hall. There was a misunderstanding when the policeman refuse to allowed the “Big Hari Raya Card” but after the appeal, he just let them to walk in. No untowards incidents as reported by the umno control main stream media. Even the electronic media was not at the scene at all and I don’t understand how they can report negatively. If it’s true, then please show us the clip in your news.

Semi Value irked me.... what negotiation was he talking about? Umno said, Hindraf 5 is a threat to national security. Oic, then who is Semi Value to renegotiate? If national security was the real reason for the detention, can Semi Value negotiate it? National security was the reason used by umno to justify the detention but it was not the real issue. Umno feel threaten and they misused the executive power to detain all five. I hope Semi Value will not fool the community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Semi Value we Indians already write off you very clearly in last election. Are you so stupid for not to know that? You allow to fool your self but NOT the Indians. First you answer what happen to MAICA money? STOP your nonesence

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