Sunday, July 01, 2007

Manusia hipokrit

Beberapa tahun lalu, Ketua Pemuda MIC S.Vigneswaran (ketika itu belum bergelar Y.B.)berkata, "ada kalanya kita boleh menipu seseorang, ada kalanya kita boleh menipu semua orang tetapi kita tidak boleh menipu semua orang pada setiap masa". Hari ini Diktaktor Samy Vellu dan Pandithan berdepan dengan suasana yang demikian. Mereka boleh bersandiwara atas nama kepentingan masyarakat India tetapi masyarakat India sudah lama sedar akan sandiwara tersebut.

Dulu pandithan menggunakan, pelbagai kata-kata kesat kepada diktaktor tetapi hari ini tanpa segan silu meletakkan diktaktor setaraf dengan "Lord Krishna" manakala diktaktor yang selalu menamakan pandithan sebagai "gagak hitam" menjilat semula ludahnya dan memanggil pandithan sebagai adiknya.

Doi-Moi tidak kisah kalau pandithan dan diktaktor hendak memeluk dan mencium antara satu sama lain tetapi apa yang memilukan ialah pengikut samy & pandi masih tidak sedar sebenarnya mereka menjadi kuda tunggangan dalam krisis samy & pandi. Selagi ketidaksedaran ini wujud, selagi itulah akan ada manusia hipokrit seperti pandi dan samy.


Anonymous said...

Pandi and Samy acting in a melodrama to justified their 'pure' and 'prefect' intention. With growing dissatisfaction and frustration Malaysian Indians disowned these two leaders. Whoever supporting them have an utter intention for themselves. So what we have to do? Just ignored these actors and move on with our goals.

Anonymous said...

The wrost leaders of all time and never really contributed anything to our society actually but declared themselves they are the true leaders of indians.

Do they think that indians as whole as stupid and useless? We are from the generations of cholas, cheraas and pandias. We can stand out our to say no these types of leaders but because we were colonised for so long we can fight. So, these type leaders used the methods to play with our emotions and they succeed with their intentions.

Why we have to contribute to MAIKA and why we collect money and buy M-car for the leader?


So, we cannot condemned them but they used our weakness for their benefits.

Who is stupid here?
Why we are stupid?

If you can answer these questions, then the society will changed in postive manner, I guess.

Jonathan Pyres

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day we have 2 distinct categories in Malaysia; individuals who are greedy for themselves and individuals who are generous for others.

The former will do anything to guarantee their own safety net; that they continue to pocket money for themselves at the expense of less fortunate communities. At the same time hoodwink weaker and less informed individuals.

"Will do anything" include using God's name in vain, equate themselves to God, allow lives to be sacrificed.

The other category, the generous ones will always lose out. They will lose every earthly things that they may possess. They will be stripped, humiliated, and mocked many times over.

All elements will be against them because this group speaks the truth and lying dogs can't stand the truth.

Malaysians are God-fearing people (Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan), and in our hearts we believe that God will save Malaysia. The good ones may have to sacrifice and lose everything but we know its for goodness.

Malaysians be united for common goodness to reach greater goodness.

Together we purge selfish and greedy souls from our midst.

Together we pride ourselves and call ourselves Malaysians!!

Happy Merdeka and may the spirit and soul of our forefathers continue to live in our midst.

Terima kasih Dato Onn, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tan Cheng Lock, John A.Thivy, Sambanthan, Yap Ah Loy, Manickavasagam, and many more.

ah boy

Anonymous said...

There is a believe that before one leaves this earth for the last time, one must repent one's sins and seek forgiveness from those wronged. Pandithan's time is nigh, so what does he do- he does the most shameful act in acknowledging Samyvellu as "Wira Kaum India"-my foot! What positive actions did he (MIC) take regarding all the Hindus who have been wronged by our Courts, the Syariah Courts and Religious Bigots? He won't because he dares not - for how else to safe guard his position at the next election, where he depends on (you know which religious group) to ensure his election. No principles; Shame!

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