Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Chinese Votes

<Doi-Moi: Chinese always used their brains to cast their vote and never be emotional whether to vote their race candidate or not. They used the practical concept "i will vote for you if you work for me." What is the point to vote you when you fail to perform. But Indians and Malays used to be emotional and will vote for the same party although, end of the day they get nothing. Hope young generation will be more practical and think twice to whom to cast their vote in next general election.>

Swing of Chinese votes to opposition in Ijok by-election due to unsatisfactory services of previous assemblyman - Ong Ka Ting, MCA President.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pengundi Cina lebih praktikal dan mengundi untuk kepentingan masyarakat bukan untuk kepentingan pemimpin. Melayu dan India perlu belajar "trend" mengundi masyarakat Cina.

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