Monday, May 19, 2008

RM300 million dollar man

Mr.Semi Value said he has request the government to allocate RM300 million to the Indian community. Mmmmm, I don't understand what this white elephant trying to do? Semi Value is not part of government and his party defeated badly due to his failure as an Indian leader. Indian community has rejected MIC not because they hate the name M.I.C. but they do hate Semi Value extremely and voted out MIC and BN due to the inefficiency of his leadership. He has come out with his master plan to re-brand the MIC but then the rebranding will not be a successfull plan because there is no plan to rebrand the leadership. As far as he fail to rebrand the leadeship until then the Indian community will not buy his master plan. Back to my point, I used to say, what is the point for asking money from government? Semi Value is not running any autonomous government to appeal the extra financial aid. He should ask the government to out do all the discrimination policy and give an equall opportunity irrespective of race or religion. Definitely, if goverenment say OK for RM300 million, he is not going to deliver it to the Indian community. Since he is jobless now, he need money to run his out dated party and his personnel life. So end of the day, the money will go to his coffin and Indian get nothing. Government should stop giving him any cents in the name of developing Indian community. If government really mean business then they should help the community by implementing the right policy and project's.

1 comment:

karepu said...

Reality is umno want to be mandor forever. They want Indians go and lick their **** and in return umno will give few ringgit to semi value. Out of that few ringgit, semi value will take bigger portion and then will give few cents to his cronies. End of the day, umno man's **** polished, semi value got money, his cronies got money to have a good gals but then Indians got nothing........ this is the reality and now semi value asking for another RM300 million...... never hope to get Indian votes in future.

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