Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jihad against Political Opponent’s?

[updated: 14082008 / 01:36] Sharizat, the Deputy for umno women section and was full minister in charge for women and family declared the "JIHAD" against Anwar Ibrahim. She said Anwar will destroy the country's peace and stability if given a chance to enter the parliament. Wow, I thought, only Al-Qaeda has declared JIHAD but didn't expect the ruling party woman section also will follow the Osama Bin Laden strategy. For my understanding, modern day terrorist often claim that they are carrying out acts of destruction, as part of a jihad and political opponents has nothing to do with the concept of jihad. May be she don't understand the meaning of true jihad. says jihad is a holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims and in most of the cases against the infidels. In line with that, I'm wondering whether Sharizat has come to the conclusion, Anwar is infidel and she must go after him so that, Sharizat will be promised the heaven or may be she believed by declaring the jihad in the losing battle the women section might proposed her candidacy against Rafidah Aziz. I believe the later thoughts sound more logic. The reality that she fail to interpret was people want to see the changes and the change of the government will start form Permatang Pauh.

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