Monday, February 25, 2008

Create The History: 8 Mac 2008

8 Mac 1922 is the day, Mahatma Gandhi start a civil disobedience against the English rule in India. He wins the struggle in 1947 when British have no option other than declaring the Independence of India although it was divided to two continents.

8 Mac 2008 is the general election day in
Malaysia. Malaysian Indians was part of this country and Indians have shares on every single development of this country for past 50 years of the Independence yet the community was ignored by the politicians. On top of that the self proclaimed multi-racial party has ignored the Indians as their candidacy and without any shame his leader said, "No capable Indian candidate".

Will the Malaysian Indians say No to BN? Will they create the history by rejecting the BN and MIC specifically? They should say No to BN and reject them by voting the opposition. Indians has waited for 50 years for the changes but ignored so what is the problem to wait another 5 years by voting the opposition. If Indians didn't take a stand to vote against the BN, then no one can help Indians for next hundred years. Reject BN and save the next generation of Indian community. Vote opposition as a signal of protest for the ignorance of BN towards the community.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You reject BN, then you have a demanding power , otherwise the politician will taken you for granted ,as what happen in 50 year, they ignore you because you are slave loyal voter.Now then you will have the power to demand for Tamil school,jobs, university, license,business opportunity, the Indian society going toward right path after 50 year of ignorance.

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