Friday, December 21, 2007

Justice for S.Kaliammal

21 Dec 2005 – Everest Hero – Commando Moorthy passed away and the religious bigots from Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT) with the unethical decision from syariah court, endorsed moorthy's as a muslim and deserve the final ritual in muslim's way, allowing majlis agama islam wilayah persekutuan to carry the burial process and denial of justice for S.Kaliammal by civil court, shock the country civil society. Civil court was told that, non-muslims has no redeem in this type of cases. She cried, as a legally married wife, the umno lead BN government fails to give her justice. The authority didn't even bother to give her a last chance to see her husband's face. Even the army failed to honour the late Moorthy with army burial although he died in service.

As a sign of protest the non-muslim cabinet minister send a memorandum to prime minister and he promised to look into it, if the minister's agreed to withdraw the memo officially. PM promised he will ask the AG to go through the memo although it was withdraw officially. Two years has past but no news and nothing has moved. Once more again, all the non-muslims minister's was cheated and bullied by umno lead BN government. Then recently minister in-charge of parliament said, the law is ok and don't need any changes.

Time has come now to put a pull stop for all the mockery that was done by umno lead BN government. We born in this country and we are entitled for equal rights as equal as other citizens. We have to show our strong protest and stop all the non-sense which was done by umno leaders. The best platform is general election and definitely I do believe, Indians as a King Makers in 28 Parliamentary and 78 State Assembly constituencies in Peninsular Malaysia will exercise their rights to vote-out the BN candidates although the candidate might be from MIC or PPP. That not means those Indians who are residing as minority voters in other constituencies should support BN. Doesn't matter where ever you are, you should vote-out BN in 12th general election. This is part of our responsibility to teach a lesson for cruelty done to S.Kaliammal.


Anonymous said...

Islam is the most violent and intolerant faith that has ever been presented to mankind. example of the insanity found within the Koran is the fascist, warlike notion of "Jihad," or Holy War.

Islamic ideology is based upon an intense hatred of the non-Muslim. It has divided humankind into two perpetually hostile groups... the Muslims and the non-Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Dare to do things worthy of imprisonment if you mean to be of consequence. ~Juvenal

Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one. ~Chinese Proverb

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. ~Albert Einstein

No radical change on the plane of history is possible without crime. ~Hermann Keyserling

When leaders act contrary to conscience, we must act contrary to leaders. ~Veterans Fast for Life

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. ~Voltaire

If... the machine of government... is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. ~Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobediance, 1849

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it. ~Malcolm X

Human history begins with man's act of disobedience which is at the very same time the beginning of his freedom and development of his reason. ~Erich Fromm, Psychoanalysis and Religion

Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and excusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may. ~Mark Twain

Integrity has no need of rules. ~Albert Camus

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. ~Louis D. Brandeis

Laws are only words written on paper, words that change on society's whim and are interpreted differently daily by politicians, lawyers, judges, and policemen. Anyone who believes that all laws should always be obeyed would have made a fine slave catcher. Anyone who believes that all laws are applied equally, despite race, religion, or economic status, is a fool. ~John J. Miller, And Hope to Die

Disobedience, the rarest and most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and commonest of the vices. ~George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists

Every actual state is corrupt. Good men must not obey laws too well. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal." ~Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Why We Can't Wait, 1963

We cannot, by total reliance on law, escape the duty to judge right and wrong.... There are good laws and there are occasionally bad laws, and it conforms to the highest traditions of a free society to offer resistance to bad laws, and to disobey them. ~Alexander Bickel

It is necessary to distinguish between the virtue and the vice of obedience. ~Lemuel K. Washburn, Is The Bible Worth Reading And Other Essays, 1911

I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not so desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. ~Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience, 1849

As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man objected and no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. ~Clarence Darrow

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do. ~Edmund Burke, Second Speech on Conciliation, 1775

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. ~Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Ordinarily, a person leaving a courtroom with a conviction behind him would wear a somber face. But I left with a smile. I knew that I was a convicted criminal, but I was proud of my crime. ~Martin Luther King, Jr., March 22, 1956

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. ~Bishop Desmond Tutu

It is not a man's duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give it practically his support. If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man's shoulders. ~Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

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